MEAN AREAL PRECIPATION (MAP) AND AVERAGE SOIL MOISTURE (ASM) Average Soil Moisture: Soil water saturation fraction (dimensionless ratio of contents over capacity) for the upper zone (approximately 20-30 cm depth).
1-hour MAP Mean Areal Precipitation: Amount of rainfall over the last 1 hour, estimated from bias-adjusted Micro-Wave Global Hydro Estimator (MWGHE) and GHE.
24-hour MAP Mean Areal Precipitation: Amount of rainfall over the last 24 hours, estimated from bias-adjusted Micro-Wave Global Hydro Estimator (MWGHE) and GHE.
6-hour ASM Average Soil Moisture: Soil water saturation fraction (dimensionless ratio of contents over capacity) for the upper zone (app. 20-30 cm depth) over the last 6 hours.
FLASH FLOOD GUIDANCE (FFG) FFG - Flash Flood Guidance: The amount of rainfall over a given duration (1, 3, 6 hours) which is just enough to cause bank-full flow in the draining stream outlet.
1-hour FFG Flash Flood Guidance: The amount of rainfall over 1 hour which is just enough to cause bank-full flow in the draining stream outlet.
3-hour FFG Flash Flood Guidance: The amount of rainfall over 3 hours which is just enough to cause bank-full flow in the draining stream outlet.
6-hour FFG Flash Flood Guidance: The amount of rainfall over 6 hours which is just enough to cause bank-full flow in the draining stream outlet.
FORECAST MEAN AREAL PRECIPITATION (FMAP) FMAP - Forecast Mean Areal Precipitation: Accumulations of forecasted mean areal precipitation produced by numerical forecasts from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Each data product reflects basin-average precipitation accumulations from the navigation hour over the corresponding interval.
1-hour FMAP Forecast Mean Areal Precipitation: Forecasted basin-average precipitation accumulations for the next 1 hour produced by numerical forecasts from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model.
3-hour FMAP Forecast Mean Areal Precipitation: Forecasted basin-average precipitation accumulations for the next 3 hours produced by numerical forecasts from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model.
6-hour FMAP Forecast Mean Areal Precipitation: Forecasted basin-average precipitation accumulations for the next 6 hours produced by numerical forecasts from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model.
FORECAST MEAN AREAL PRECIPITATION (FMAP) AND FLASH FLOOD RISK FFR - Flash Flood Risk: These products are computed every six hours and measure the occurrence of positive forecast flash flood threat (FMAP > FFG) over a given forecast period using forecast precipitation to drive the Soil and FFG models.
24-hour FMAP Forecast Mean Areal Precipitation: Forecasted basin-average precipitation accumulations for the next 24 hours produced by numerical forecasts from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model.
12-hour FFR Flash Flood Risk: Occurrence of positive forecast flash flood threat (FMAP > FFG) over a 12-hour forecast period using forecast precipitation to drive the Soil and FFG models.
24-hour FFR Flash Flood Risk: Occurrence of positive forecast flash flood threat (FMAP > FFG) over a 24-hour forecast period using forecast precipitation to drive the Soil and FFG models.